prom girls |
1. I had no idea how I wanted my hair at first, but
Instagram really helped
me nail down some ideas. I decided having a waterfall braid would be
super cool!
waterfall braid hair style |
2. I obviously wanted my manicure to match my dress. The gown had silver
and gold in it, so I combined that with the red for some fun nail art! My friends came over to get ready with me and we had so much fun! We
listened to
The Beatles Pandora station, ate chocolate chip cookies, and
laughed a
red fun nail art |
3. I had this dress from work and was so in love with it, I decided to
wear it to prom! Red is my favorite color and has been since
Kindergarten. To make sure no one would wear the same dress, the girls
at my school made a Facebook page where we could post what our dresses
looked like. Do you love my
long red prom dress?
4. I love different prom poses, but the best is definitely the hand on the
waist one-it can look both adorable and ridiculously awkward.
girls in prom |
Tips: Styled by the same ladies who do your hair and makeup for red carpet
events. Make sure they come to your house, and, of course, you have to take a selfie.